Installing the Maverick Legacy Client

Lee Painter

There are two methods of configuring your development environment to use the Maverick Legacy Client.

  1. Download our distribution zip file that includes all jar files and dependencies and include in your classpath.
  2. Configure your project to use maven and configure your project to use our Maven repository.

If you are using our commercial APIs you will need to obtain an evaluation key and install the license in your project.

Including Maverick Legacy Client in your Classpath

Download and extract our archive. Jar files are located in the dist folder, Third party dependencies are located in the lib folder.

For developers using the client API only you can use


This is a single archive with all client features, use along with *all* dependencies in lib folder.

If you are combining the API with our server product use:

maverick-legacy-server-{version}-no-common.jar (from our server distribution).

For those developers that prefer not to have the version in the jar file-name you can find un-versioned jar files in dist/other folder.

Using the Maven Repository

Add our repository to your pom.xml


Then add the dependency to your pom.xml



Obtaining an Evaluation License Key


Installing your License

Copy the license key into your source code and place it somewhere in your code before you make any calls to the API.

For versions of J2SSH Maverick 1.4.28 and above you can optionally save your license as a text file and set the following properties to point the API in the right location:


If you omit these system properties they will default to the value of System.getProperty("user.dir") for the directory and.maverick-license.txt for the filename.


Example Code

Please take a look at the /examples folder in the distribution zip file. There are a number of code examples there that should get you on track with your development.